Hello Trend Micro Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding a critical data protection issue on my Edge server, and I would greatly appreciate any insights or guidance from the knowledgeable members of this community.

I have encountered a data protection concern on my Edge server, and despite my efforts, I have been unable to resolve it. The server seems to be experiencing vulnerabilities, and I am worried about the potential risk to sensitive data.


Server: Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
Trend Micro Product: Trend Micro Apex One 2022 (Version X.X)
Issue: The server is showing signs of unauthorized access, and there is a suspicious increase in network traffic. Event logs indicate potential security breaches, and I am concerned about data integrity.
Steps Taken: I have conducted a full system scan using Trend Micro Apex One, updated all security definitions, and reviewed firewall settings. However, the issue persists.

The server is crucial for hosting our e-commerce website, handling customer transactions, and storing sensitive customer information.
Logs indicate several failed login attempts from unknown IP addresses.
Network traffic analysis suggests a potential data exfiltration attempt.
No recent changes have been made to the server configuration or installed software.

I am reaching out to the community for assistance in identifying the root cause of this issue and implementing a secure solution. If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has expertise in data protection on Edge servers, your input would be invaluable.


Has anyone faced a similar data protection issue on their Edge server?
What steps can I take to enhance the security of my server and prevent potential data breaches?
Are there specific configurations within the Trend Micro product that I should review or modify?
I appreciate your time and assistance in helping me address this matter promptly. The security of our data is of utmost importance, and I look forward to hearing from the experienced members of this community.

Thank you in advance!