Hello Trend Micro community members,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm encountering an issue with my monitor that I believe might be related to my display or video settings, and I'm hoping some of you experienced users can offer some guidance.

The Problem:
My monitor sometimes exhibits strange behavior, such as flickering, color distortion, or even complete blackouts, when I'm using my computer. I suspect this might be related to my display or video settings, but I'm not entirely sure. It's frustrating, and I'd like to identify the root cause of the issue.

My Approach:
To troubleshoot this problem, I'm considering two approaches, and I'd appreciate your input and suggestions on these:

Testing in Windows Safe Mode: I plan to boot my computer into Windows Safe Mode to see if the issue persists. If it doesn't, I assume that some third-party application or driver might be causing the problem. If it still occurs in Safe Mode, it could be a hardware or core Windows issue.

Testing with Different Applications: I'll also experiment by using various applications to see if the issue is application-specific. For example, I'll try watching videos, playing games, and using different software to determine if the problem is consistent across all applications.

My Questions:

Have any of you encountered similar monitor issues before?
Do you have any additional troubleshooting steps or recommendations?
Can you suggest any specific applications or tests I should run to help diagnose the problem?
Are there any known conflicts between Trend Micro software and display/video drivers that might be worth investigating?
I'm open to any advice or insights you can provide to help me resolve this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards,