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  • RE: constant installing an update

    Also, when I try to sign in for the help page, it says Page unavailable! 
    This is becoming unacceptable!
    Please provide support and a solution.
  • RE: constant installing an update

    When I check my program version it says 17.8.1121 and it immediately updates. It took me 2 tries to get the version number because it just wants to update? 
    Why is it continually updating?
    Why is Micro Trend not helping solve this issue?
    This started a couple of weeks ago and has persisted.
    I cannot get my work done promptly and effectively.
  • RE: constant installing an update

    I have the same issue, every 10 minutes or so, it says installing update, removes protection, then restarts protection and asks to re-load the browser. Very annoying.
    I spent 2 hours on the phone with support and nothing has changed.
    What is going wrong with this software?
    Do I need to source another software designer once my subscription expires?