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  • trend micro blocking my i phone from connecting to internet

    I have tried so many things - forget this device, remove from network, turn off network device, turn on again - checked for latest version, turn off WiFi on my phone - nothing worked - my phone still getting an error message to say This Deivce is not allowed to connect to the internet. 

    TM network was also blocking my daughter from accessing her university site - although once I allowed her device, she was able to connect to other internet sites. 

    So now I have turned off the Trend Micro device that was on my network and I still have TM on my phone and my computer

    Both those devices are working perfectly again - so I think I;'ll leave it off - I am just a home user and I have TM protection on my devices. 

    Would I be eligible for any refund on the network security - also I will have to turn off the auto renewal for the network security. 

    Thank you, 


  • trend micro blocking my i phone from connecting to internet

    Can I uninstall Trend Micro from my network but leave it on my device