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  • stop the constant syncing

    Thanks again.  So, answering my own questions, its not expected functionality and there is no control that will change it.

    I have done all as suggested and it still occurs.  I then fixed it by permanently uninstalling the Trend Micro extension for Chrome.

  • stop the constant syncing


    I have the latest version. Before I go to the next lengths, I attach screenshots. The first one shows that a tab has opened over the top of what I was browsing and tells me a sync is underway. The second pic is a message that it has completed.

    The problem is is that the new tab opens up in the foreground interrupting what I’m doing for an announcement that I don’t need to know about. And when it closes I’m not returned to the tab I was looking at, but the one immediately underneath. 

    You can help me most by saying if this expected functionality? 

    Abd then, in any case, is there a control where I can stop this occurring?

    Thanks again.

  • stop the constant syncing

    I also have this issue; am sick of it - very intrusive.

    I'm browsing using Chrome; every 10 mins or so a new tab opens over the top and tells me Trend Micro is syncing.  If it is, it doesn't have to interrupt me to tell me!  If I close the tab, I don't get returned to the one I was using, but the one next to the closed Trend tab.    I'm using 'Trend micro maximum security' on a Windows 11 machine.

    So can you pls advise how I stop the new tab opening and interrupting me?

    Thank you.