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  • how do i report a dangerous link that trend micro did not detect

    See my earlier response.

  • how do i report a dangerous link that trend micro did not detect

    Heck no.  But when your virus checker is no longer supported, that changes your perspective.  I've used Trend Micro for years, dating back to Windows XP.  When Trend Micro told me that XP was no longer going to be supported, I removed that system from service and air-gapped it (I already had put my Windows 7 system into service).  I never received a comparable warning from Trend Micro about W-7 when I last renewed (for 2 years), but the latest update (one year into the renewal) failed with a message that W-7 wasn't supported any more.  Since I had renewed for 2 years, TM patched my system so it would work.  So I've been planning this move since December.  But this attack was a new experience for me.

    So, from my perspective, the obvious move is to get the new desktop with the latest OS.  In the meantime, I am talking to you from my W-11 laptop.  Moving my desktop workload over is going to be a pain, but sometimes you have to grit your teeth and do it.

    Please note that I am NOT upset with TM and I fully intend to keep using it.

  • how do i report a dangerous link that trend micro did not detect

    Thank you for the insights.

    I believe that the url was "https//kroger-feedback.online".

    The contact phone # was (833) 289-0072

    When I broke off contact, I almost immediately got several calls from another phone # (662) 532-2368 that I ignored.

    I was already planning to purchase a new desktop running Windows 11 before my current TrendMicro subscription runs; those plans will now be accelerated.

  • how do i report a dangerous link that trend micro did not detect

    I have two systems.  My old desktop runs Windows 7; my laptop runs Windows 11.  Trend Micro Platinum is installed on both, but the version installed on old Windows 7 system had to be patched in order to function.  I run scans everyday on both.  I was using the Windows 7 desktop to visit the Kroger website to fill out a survey and earn "gas points".  The normal link for that was not working, so I did a google search and carelessly clicked on a similar link.  It "froze" my system and directed me to call "Microsoft Security" for help.  The "help" consisted of trying to get me to download things to analyze the problem, which I did, after a fashion.  They said my network was infected.  I talked to my son (who was on the same network), and he determined it was a hack.  My question is why did Trend Micro fail to detect it, either before hand or hours later when I tested it again.  It was apparently a malware site made to resemble the link that Kroger had been using.  Kroger had apparently modified their link.

    I've taken appropriate precautions to protect my credit cards and banking, etc. but I thought I should share this with you.  I can provide additional details if needed.