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Posted Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:08:11 GMT by tm_helen

Hi @cathchou1122,

Welcome to Trend Micro Community!

Can you give us more information about your concern like a screenshot, any notification/pop-up from the Trend Micro program, etc.? It will help understand the issue.

Posted Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:35:59 GMT by cathchou1122


Whenver my trend micro program is enabled and I visit google, my browser opens a weird website with different ads promoting different products (different website). If I do it and my trend is off, I'm not having any issue. Everything works fine if the trend is off.

Posted Thu, 14 Mar 2024 17:40:38 GMT by tm_helen

Hi @cathchou1122,

Could you please provide us a screenshot of this weird website?

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