multiple windows opening in edge and google
The Trend Micro program version that I am running is: 17.8.1192
I removed both the Trend Micro extension and the Trend Micro pay guard extensions from Microsoft Edge and reinstalled the Trend Micro extension.
This seems to have worked. Now when I go to Bank of America or Amazon, only one pay guard window opens.
Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it.
multiple windows opening in edge and google
Oops, I just checked again. The only website that I have selected to automatically open pay guard is Amazon. I just went to the Amazon website and it does the multiple opening of pay guard windows too. Thanks again for the help.
multiple windows opening in edge and google
Hello again. Thanks for the welcome.
Trend password manager is not listed as an extension in Payguard.
The issue still exists.
the only website that I have listed to automatically open Payguard is Amazon.
I find it strange that it only happens when I go to the Bank of America website.
computers are strange sometimes…
Thank you for your help
multiple windows opening in edge and google
@tm_klariz Hi. I have the same problem. I have checked for Trend Micro program updates and have the latest installed.
Since it still opens multiple tabs, I have also installed the patch.
"file: Ti_1780_win_en_uiProtectedBrowser_hfb1151.exe."
The patch did not work for me.
This only happens for the Bank of America website. This website is not listed in Trend Micro where I list websites that automatically open Pay Guard.
Thanks for the help