trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Thanks for your comments.
For your information. my license is up for renewal on February 24 (auto renew) and hopefully this issue will be resolved by that time. If not, I will have to make a decision : renew or not!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Thanks for sharing this info...I knew that I could not be the only user having this problem/issue.
As mentioned in previous posts, I have been working with Ace Zafra at Trend Micro Support for a few weeks, trying to resolve this problem, no later that January 12 (4 days ago). So far, no solution/explanation was found!!!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
I just spent a few more hours with Ace Zafra from Tech Support and he collected more data which will be reviewed by the technical team/experts.
Once again, I am hoping for the best. I am patient, but ma patience has its limit!!!
If anyone else is having the same issue/problem, I would invite you to share your experience on this post.
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Unfortunately, I am still having the same problem/issue. As I said in a previous post, I went through the same process (uninstall and reinstall) with Ace Zafra at Trend Micro Support quite a few times and your team has not yet find the "problem".
Ace Zafra is to get back to me, hopefully better news!!!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
I have been working with Ace Zafra at Trend Micro Support for a few weeks, trying to resolve my problem. He is working from their Head Office in Asia. I spent over 6 hours on the phone ( 3 days : 2hrs). He took control (remote) of my PC and did quite a few tests and collected data. So far, no luck: I still have the same problem. I have to stop Trend Micro Maximum Security if I want to go back to "normal".
At first, they thought it was an isolated problem with my PC : HP - All-in-One. But my wife.s PC, which is an older HP All-in-One PC, running on Windows 10 has the same issue/problem.
The last tests were made a few days ago and collected data sent to their technical team for a thorough analysis. Hopefully they will come back to me with good news. If not, I will seriously consider my next step: wait for a solution or choose a new provider!!!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Thanks for the feedback...hopefully you will soon have a solution for my problem!!!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
On December 12, I spent over an hour with someone from the support team. As of today, I am still waiting for a response and/or solution for this problem.
I am very disappointed and as I said in a previous post, I am considering moving to an other provider. Hopefully, someone will get back to me!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Yes...we could proceed with a troubleshooting!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
Yes, I did, once or twice. Unfortunately it did not resolved this issue. I also tried to uninstall and reinstall Trend Micro, but then again, it didn't work !!!
I tried this on my wife's PC (Windows 10) and same result: problem is still there!!!
trend micro maximum security is slowing some of my applicationsprograms on my pc started with recent windows 11 update few weeks ago
I checked the CPU usage and it is not showing a high level (the chart is green). I still believe that there is a "conflict" with Windows 10 and 11 updates and major Trend Micro updates as well.
For your info, I have been using Trend Micro and its predecessor (PC-cillin) for over 20 years. I have also been a Trend Micro Beta tester for many years, as well. I can recall seeing the same problem a few years back and Trend Micro specialists had always been able to find a solution (solve the mystery) ! If I remember properly, I think it had to do with conflicting "Scripts" ???
Let me know if you have an answer/solution for me.