Posted Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:01:23 GMT by
I have answered this many time and said yes to protecting my email. BUT I still keep getting the popup message about protecting my email even when I select "DONT SHOW THIS AGAIN". This is getting annoying.

Posted Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:11:17 GMT by John Vincent tm_vincent


To address the issue you're experiencing, try removing and then adding the Trend Micro Toolbar again on your browser. You can use the following links for guidance on how to add the Trend Micro Toolbar again:

- [How to Add Trend Micro Toolbar to Chrome on Windows | Trend Micro Help Center] for Windows computers
- [How to add Trend Micro Google Chrome Toolbar for Mac | Trend Micro Help Center] for Mac computers

Additionally, please check if the Trend Micro Toolbar has enabled email protection properly. You can do this by clicking the Trend Micro Toolbar icon at the upper right corner of your browser and verifying if Email Defender is protecting your email account.

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