May we ask how you reinstalled Trend Micro Maximum Security?
Have you tried uninstalling it using the Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool Kit?
If not, please follow the steps below:
1. Use the search bar near the Microsoft icon.
2. Search for "Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool Kit."
3. Open the tool and tap "C. Uninstall."
4. Tap "Stop All Components."
5. Tap "Uninstall Software."
6. Restart your computer.
To reinstall Trend Micro Maximum Security, follow these steps:
1. Go to this link:
2. Scroll down and tap "Download Maximum Security" to download the installer.
3. Open the installer once it is downloaded.
4. Tap "Accept and Continue," then enter the Activation Code.
5. Wait for the installation process to complete.
6. Observe the performance.