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Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 20:43:37 GMT by davevt31

You are not just closing the icon, you are exiting the whole program.

Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 21:13:24 GMT by Ashnawey Didato

Hi @vajoyox780 

When you exit the Trend Micro icon on the Windows taskbar or system tray, you're not just closing the icon but exiting the entire program. This stops Trend Micro's protection, leaving your computer vulnerable. To stay protected, ensure the program remains running. You can just close the Trend Micro main console, and the application will keep running in the background.

Hi @davevt31 

Thank you for addressing that. I appreciate your input.

Hope this helps.

Trend Micro Home Users Community

Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 22:19:00 GMT by claudiubotezatu


Would be nice to have a pop-up informing you that if you continue in closing TM, your PC would be unprotected and a Y/N selection and maybe a captcha (like some other AVs)

I know, I know, " the concern has been noted and the devs. will look into this but I won't be able to guarantee... "

Don't bother...


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