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  • wrong terminology "release date"

    Yes, that's a very good point @claudiubotezatu . that's how almost, or perhaps all of them defines it.


    But I am in no position to confirm that this is our mistake. just because TM devs decided to make a "twist" and is different doesn't mean it's a mistake,  right?


    It's been that way for many many years now. it shows the date where the components was "released" in the user's devices.

  • wrong terminology "release date"

    Hi @davevt31 ,


    Yup, I understand as a support. As I stated from a comment on this post, the concern has been noted.


    The devs will look into this but I won't be able to guarantee. as mentioned, they have their reasons why they chose these terminologies.

  • wrong terminology "release date"

    "Or another reason is not to have the users concerned when they see something released 6 months ago..."


    You can take it that way. But again, going back to what you pointed out.

    "Released Date" will show the date it got installed. In other words, users will be looking at the date those components were "Released" in their devices.


    Also, is it possible to see a screenshot of the "About the software" page and top-to-bottom component details page of the laptop you mentioned?


    I'm just curious and want to see them for myself.


    You can send it here, just blur out the serial number and SPN GUID.
    Or I can create a case for you so that you can send it to us via email.

  • wrong terminology "release date"

    Hi @claudiubotezatu ,
    Thanks for pointing this out.
    The UI terminologies of the software has been that way for a long time and the developers have a reason why they chose those terminologies. but we'll take note of your concern.
    One reason why the "Release Date" shows the date where the components were updated/installed instead of when the components were actually released was for the user if ever they wish to monitor these information.
    In this way, they can track when did they had a successful update and which components were included on the update.

  • i dont have permissions to usb drives

    Hi @serviceorder ,


    Welcome to Trend Micro Online Community.
    The error message could also be caused by file system errors or ownerships. Let's try to isolate the issue further.
    Try disabling the antivirus temporarily and see if the issue persists.
    To do that, search for "Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool Kit" app > Uninstall tab > Stop all components. You will know that the trend micro is no longer active once the system tray no longer displays the little Trend Micro icon.
    Once confirmed, plug back in your USB drive and see if restriction persists.
    Let us know how it goes.


    To reactive the antivirus, simply launch the app once more or go back to the diagnostic tool kit > uninstall tab > start all components

  • trend micro blocking my i phone from connecting to internet

    Hi @wuthtmba ,
    Yes that would be possible. but, that would mean  some features of your Mobile Security will be turned off.
    Have you tried updating to the latest version?
    If same thing happens, try removing the mobile security from the network, remove it from the VPN configurations, offload and reinstall the app.
    Try setting up the features once again and see if you will have the same issue.
    Let us know.

  • password manager

    Hi @Anime_007 ,
    Thanks a lot for providing this useful suggestion.
    @helen , I would personally recommend this option as well.
    This is so we can have one of our support engineers assist you real-time, discuss and provide all possible offers, and ensure that setting up the Password Manager to your spouse's account goes smoothly.
    Reach our chat support through here

  • secure delete recycle bin

    Hi @tonycolvin59 ,
    Welcome to Trend Micro Online Community.
    There is no other way to use the Secure Erase feature.
    You really have to do it by right clicking on the file that you want to delete and then select Secure Erase.

  • trend micro antivirus does not update automatically

    Hi @claudiubotezatu 


    The "DEDICATED INSTALLER" (C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Titanium\Remove.exe) is a component of the Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool kit. a support tool that allows you to perform other functions such as:

    • log collection
    • stopping/starting the Trend Micro components
    • disabling certain features/modules
    • information about the software like version, SPUIN GUID, etc.    

    As for the "DEDICATED UNINSTALL TOOL" (C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Titanium\SupportTool.exe) is the Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool Kit itself.


    Remove.exe is a command-line tool that helps remove the software from the computer.


    Now, this was programmed to get rid of the Trend Micro folders and related files on specific file paths including registry paths.


    But in some occasions, automatic deletion of a folder/file may fail due to administrative privileges of the profile, file currently being used by a program, or something else.


    This is why in some cases, manual deletion of these files and registry paths are required just so the user can perform and meet the conditions needed to delete them.


    Manually checking those paths can also be optionally performed after using the Diagnostic Tool Kit to ensure that the computer has been freed of any possible Trend Micro remnants.


    I hope this explanation is clear enough, avoiding any impression of a boilerplate answer.

  • trend micro pay guard mobile app not working

    Hi @blb8351 ,
    Welcome to Trend Micro Online Community.
    Please ensure that the application you are trying to use is added under Pay Guard Mobile.
    To do that:
    1. Open the Trend Micro Mobile Security application.
    2. Tap on Pay Guard Mobile.


    under "Apps", double check if the app that you are using for your finances have been added.


    Let me know if it worked.
    If it wasn't able to fix it, please do a scan and prepare a screenshot of the result.
    If you are encountering an error message, might as well take a screenshot of it too so we can have a look.