trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
Thank you for your help, I done this, but the icon never circled and it never checked for updates. im not sure what else i can do at this point...
trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
Yes, I left my computer on for 5 days, and during those 5 days it never automatically downloaded any updates at all, and Windows Security Center reported it being out of date. As soon as I went to the "About software page" it downloaded a TON of updates to Anti spam, Digital signatures, pattern files, etc. Its been like this since i bought the program a few months back, it just won't auto update. My connection is not metered, its a 1TB Comcast connection, computer doesn't sleep just monitor turns off when idle, not sure why it won't update on its own and i always have to manually do it..
trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
Thank you, I went ahead and modified my values to match yours. On mine, the interval key was set to 108000 so not sure why that was, maybe that was the issue?
trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
I have done that, I checked in Windows and the connection isn't metered and doesn't have a data limit on it. What else do you think would cause this?
trend micro antivirus does not update automatically
My Trend Micro product does not update automatically. I have tried uninstalling it, reinstalling it, it simply will not automatically update. I left my computer on for 5 days with a stable broadband Comcast connection, and no open programs and it is happy to sit with updates 5 days old and trigger Windows Security Center that its out of date. I have to manually update the program to get updates.
Is there anyway to make this program update automatically? At this point id settle for a script I can schedule to run the update task periodically. Im at my wits end with this, and i really like the program, but if it never updates on its own i don't know what to do.
Im running the latest version of Windows 11, all updates and Trend Micro is the only security program, on the computer, Defender is disabled. Any help i could get would be appreciated. Thank you!