trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_carlo Hello carlo! Ive just updated my antivirus onto 17.8.1192 and my browsing has immediately gone back to full speed again Im not sure why but the previous version 17.8.1182 Caused my browsing to slow down. Thank you so much for your great service!
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_carlo Hello Carlo, Ive just recieved the email however i am slightly confused on what i am meant to do with the links its provided Can you please explain it for me sorry!
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_carlo Hello carlo! I Disabled my trend micro and since then my browsing has been extremely quick. However once i had reenabled Trend micro it was slow once again.
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_helen Hello Helen Ive attached a screenshot of both of the browsers But I disabled the extensions earlier and my browser Loaded the exact same as when they were enabled. I also disabled the antivirus temporarily And used windows defender which loaded Websites extremely fast
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_klariz hello! Thanks for responding, Yes Both google chrome and microsoft edge are effected, however due to me mainly using google chrome and only using edge to see if it was a issue with google chrome , Ive updated the extension and i found that after disabling the extension my browsing was slightly faster.
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
@tm_ash It is On that exact version, Can you please try and fix my issue i have updated my software, tried turning off modules and clearing Temporary files, clearing cookies and saved files and none of it has worked and it still is extrmely slow.
trend micro maximum security slowing down browsing substantially
Hello Waj! Thanks for the quick response, I've just checked my antivirus and I can confirm it is on version 17.8 and it has no updates available.
I also did what you said and disabled there antivirus, using the support tool which is included and pressing "stop modules", after doing this my browsing was normal and using windows defender I had no slowdown whatsoever.