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Posted Sun, 21 Jul 2024 07:45:55 GMT by tm_leo

Hi @teenmura 

Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community!

We would like to ask few questions regarding the issue. 

1. How did you turn off the Trend Micro program? Please refer to this link to properly disable Trend Micro and isolate the issue: How to turn OFF Trend Micro Security on Windows | Trend Micro Help Center

2. Do you have another Antivirus program installed on your device?

3. Is the issue only occurring on your windows computer? 

Thank you!

Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:18:54 GMT by claudiubotezatu

There is no "Trend Micro Firewall", you have no clue what are you talking about!


Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:08:11 GMT by Jasmin Joyce Cureg

Hi @teenmura,

Could you please specify which product or feature you are referring to? Also, can you clarify how and where you disabled Trend Micro?

We have the Trend Micro Firewall Booster feature available. You can find more information about it at this link: How to turn ON Trend Micro Firewall Booster on Windows | Trend Micro Help Center

Hope this helps.

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 22:06:29 GMT by claudiubotezatu

That really helps... 

First , tm-leo asked a question not related to the subject.

Two days later tm_jas is asking another question not related to the subject.

Both extremely polite , not having the balls the tell OP that TM DOES NOT HAVE A FIREWALL !!!!!!!!!

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:14:48 GMT by teenmura

What I turned off was the trend micro 'firewall booster'. Screenshot attached.

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:15:48 GMT by teenmura

It does, it has a 'firewall booster' this is what I turned off

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:16:03 GMT by teenmura

It does, it has a 'firewall booster' this is what I turned off. no need to be rude about it!

Posted Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:40:29 GMT by claudiubotezatu


"Firewall Booster" is not a firewall....

This is supposed to "boost" the windows firewall.

I turned this ON and OFF multiple times and I did not notice any difference.

I never got a warning from TM about a detection involving the "booster"

In my opinion "firewall booster" is just marketing....

Posted Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:13:39 GMT by teenmura

Well I wasn't able to connect to the internet so I turned it off and now I can connect to the internet so it must do something!

Posted Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:52:42 GMT by Allen Malapit (TS-PH)

Hi @teenmura,

Can you please try to turn it back on again and monitor if you encounter the same issue so that we can further check on it? 

May we also verify if this is the only setting that you have turned off on Trend Micro? If you have turned off other settings, please let us know.

Thank you very much!

Posted Mon, 05 Aug 2024 03:10:01 GMT by teenmura


I have turned the booster back on for about a week and my internet has not been interupted yet. I can confirm that it was the only adjustment I made at the time.


I have already provided a screenshot - its called Firewall Booster as you have mentioned.

Posted Mon, 05 Aug 2024 12:14:48 GMT by tm_chard

Hi @teenmura,

Thank you for the update. Please let us know if there's any changes or if the issue re-occurs. 

Posted Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:52:09 GMT by denissibottier

Même problème également...trend micro répond toujours la même chose, contacter votre école. Mais ce n'est pas un achat de licence par l'école mais bien un accord ministériel entre trend micro et l'éducation nationale. Nous avons aucune possibilité de contacter quelqu'un de l'éducation nationale à ce sujet ! savez vous si déjà le contrat à été renouveler ? Merci

Posted Fri, 09 Aug 2024 12:57:11 GMT by Allen Malapit (TS-PH)

Bonjour @denissibottier, 

Pouvons-nous simplement vérifier comment vous obtenez ou demandez habituellement la licence ?

Pouvons-nous également vérifier comment vous l'avez renouvelée précédemment ? Est-ce à partir d'un site Web ou votre école vous a-t-elle simplement fourni la licence ?

Veuillez nous le faire savoir afin que nous puissions vérifier davantage. Merci beaucoup !

Posted Sat, 10 Aug 2024 17:33:17 GMT by crisillan

D'habitude, nous saisissons notre adresse email professionnelle sur le site edu.trendmicro.fr, et nous recevons immédiatement un email contenant les nouvelles licences.

Posted Sat, 10 Aug 2024 18:47:59 GMT by tm_helen

Bonjour @crisillan,

Je crois que vous avez reçu un premier e-mail concernant cette licence avec tous les détails si jamais vous rencontrez un problème, qui comprend une personne à contacter ou un e-mail où vous pouvez signaler un problème. Veuillez vérifier cet e-mail.

Posted Sun, 11 Aug 2024 13:40:21 GMT by gerardlecrivain

La page https://edu.trendmicro.fr/ est inaccessible et je ne peux donc renouveler ma licence. L'Education Nationale ne travaille plus avec Trend Micro ?

Je suis enseignant en Lycée dans l'Académie de Lille.

Merci pour vos précisions.

Posted Sun, 11 Aug 2024 14:48:49 GMT by cecilegiami


Je ne peux pas renouveler ma licence. Est-ce que Trend micro est toujours en partenariat avec l'éducation nationale?

Je suis enseignante sur l'académie de Versailles


Posted Mon, 12 Aug 2024 14:38:05 GMT by arnaudschmidt

Bonjour, Je suis enseignant sur Aix-Marseille. Aujourd'hui, le renouvellement a correctement fonctionné, comme les années précédentes.

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