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  • best memorial day pc and laptop deals for students

    Hi everyone,

    With Memorial Day just around the corner, I’m on the hunt for some great deals on laptops and PCs. As a student, my budget is pretty tight, but I need a reliable machine for schoolwork, assignments, and some light gaming. I'm hoping to find something that balances performance and affordability.

    What I’m Looking For:
    Budget: Ideally under $1000, but can stretch a bit if the deal is exceptional.
    Usage: Mostly for schoolwork (Word, Excel, online research), multimedia (watching lectures and movies), and light gaming.
    Specs: Minimum 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, decent battery life, and a good screen (preferably FHD).
    Preferred Brands:
    Open to suggestions if there’s a killer deal on another brand
    What are the best places to look for Memorial Day deals? I’m thinking of checking Amazon, Best Buy, and directly on the manufacturer’s websites. Any other suggestions?
    Are there specific models that you recommend for my needs? I’ve heard good things about the Lenovo and HP Envy series.
    Should I wait for Memorial Day itself or are the deals just as good leading up to the day? I’ve seen some early deals, but I’m wondering if they’ll get better.
    Student discounts or bundles? Are there any special discounts for students that I should be aware of? Some companies offer student pricing or bundles with software that could be really useful.
    Early Deals I’ve Found:
    Lenovo IdeaPad 3: $479 on Amazon – 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel i3
    Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! If anyone else is also looking for a laptop or PC, feel free to share what you’ve found or ask questions here. Let’s help each other out to snag the best deals this Memorial Day!

    Thanks in advance!


  • help needed technical issue on ubuntu desktop

    Hey everyone,

    I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out to this community because I've encountered a bit of a technical hiccup with my Ubuntu desktop, and I could really use some guidance.

    Here's the problem: Recently, I've been experiencing some erratic behavior with my Ubuntu system. Specifically, certain applications seem to be crashing unexpectedly, and I've noticed a significant slowdown in overall performance. Additionally, I've been encountering intermittent connectivity issues with my network, which is making it difficult for me to stay productive.

    I've tried a few troubleshooting steps on my own, such as checking for system updates, running diagnostic tests, and rebooting my router, but unfortunately, none of these efforts have resolved the issue.

    I'm not exactly a Linux expert, so I'm hoping that some of you more experienced users might be able to offer some insight or suggestions for how I can further diagnose and address these problems. Whether it's pointing me toward relevant log files to examine, recommending specific commands to run, or suggesting potential software conflicts to investigate, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    For reference, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on a relatively new desktop computer with decent hardware specs. If you need any additional information about my system configuration or the specific symptoms I'm experiencing, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • need help with error issue while running program on windows laptop

    Hello Community Members,

    I hope everyone is doing well. I'm reaching out to seek some assistance regarding an error issue I've been encountering while trying to run a particular program on my Windows laptop. I've tried troubleshooting on my own but haven't been successful, so I'm turning to this forum for guidance.

    Here's a brief overview of the problem

    I've been encountering an error issue while attempting to run on my Windows laptop. Whenever I try to launch the program, I consistently receive an error message stating, The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). This error prevents me from accessing the program and using it for my work.

    Despite trying various troubleshooting steps such as reinstalling the program, updating my graphics drivers, and running compatibility checks, the problem persists. I've also made sure that my Windows operating system is up-to-date and that there are no pending updates for the program.

    I'm using a Windows 10 laptop with 16GB of RAM, an Intel Core i7 processor, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX graphics card.

    I'm at a loss for what else to try, and any assistance or suggestions from the community would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your help!

  • help needed cloud computing issue seeking assistance on en.community.trendmicro.com

    Hello Trend Micro community,

    I hope this post finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance with a cloud computing issue that I have been encountering recently, and I believe this community might be able to provide valuable insights.

    I've been experiencing challenges related to cloud computing, and I am seeking guidance to resolve these issues. The specific problems include difficulty accessing resources on [cloud service provider] and intermittent connectivity disruptions. I have tried adjusting network configurations and checking for firewall issues, but the problem persists.

    Operating System: Windows 10
    Trend Micro Product and Version: Trend Micro Apex One - Version 20.0
    Cloud Service Provider: AWS (Amazon Web Services)

    Checked network configurations to ensure proper connectivity between the on-premises environment and AWS.
    Reviewed AWS Security Groups and Network ACLs to confirm that necessary ports are open for communication.

    Examined Trend Micro Apex One policies to ensure they are not causing interference with cloud services.
    Checked AWS CloudWatch for any relevant logs or metrics indicating issues with the instances.

    Ran network diagnostics tools to identify latency or packet loss between on-premises servers and AWS instances.
    Verified AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles and permissions for the affected instances.
    Reviewed Trend Micro logs for any alerts or events related to the connectivity issues.

    I have reached a point where additional expertise and insights from the community could greatly assist me in resolving these issues. Your experiences and suggestions will be highly valuable.

    If you have faced similar issues or have expertise in cloud computing, please share your insights, solutions, or suggestions. Any relevant information, links, or step-by-step guides would be much appreciated.

    I am eager to learn and resolve this issue promptly. Your timely assistance will not only help me but may also benefit others facing similar challenges.

    Thank you in advance for your support!

    Feel free to reply to this post or direct message me if you require additional details to provide assistance. I am looking forward to your valuable input.

    Best regards,

  • my worst nightmare lost tablet with sensitive data help

    Hi everyone,

    My heart is racing as I type this, but I lost my tablet, and the panic is setting in. It wasn't just any tablet; it housed a treasure trove of personal data: financial information, login credentials, photos, and more. Now, the fear of it falling into the wrong hands is consuming me.

    I've retraced my steps, called lost and founds, and scoured online platforms, but no luck. So, I'm turning to you all for some desperately needed advice. What can I do to protect my information and minimize the damage?

    I've already contacted my bank and financial institutions to freeze accounts and change passwords, but what about everything else? Is there anything I can do remotely to wipe the device or block access to my data? Any advice on what steps to take next would be a lifesaver!

    Thank you for any help you can offer.


  • urgent help needed data protection issue on edge server

    Hello Trend Micro Community,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding a critical data protection issue on my Edge server, and I would greatly appreciate any insights or guidance from the knowledgeable members of this community.

    I have encountered a data protection concern on my Edge server, and despite my efforts, I have been unable to resolve it. The server seems to be experiencing vulnerabilities, and I am worried about the potential risk to sensitive data.


    Server: Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
    Trend Micro Product: Trend Micro Apex One 2022 (Version X.X)
    Issue: The server is showing signs of unauthorized access, and there is a suspicious increase in network traffic. Event logs indicate potential security breaches, and I am concerned about data integrity.
    Steps Taken: I have conducted a full system scan using Trend Micro Apex One, updated all security definitions, and reviewed firewall settings. However, the issue persists.

    The server is crucial for hosting our e-commerce website, handling customer transactions, and storing sensitive customer information.
    Logs indicate several failed login attempts from unknown IP addresses.
    Network traffic analysis suggests a potential data exfiltration attempt.
    No recent changes have been made to the server configuration or installed software.

    I am reaching out to the community for assistance in identifying the root cause of this issue and implementing a secure solution. If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has expertise in data protection on Edge servers, your input would be invaluable.


    Has anyone faced a similar data protection issue on their Edge server?
    What steps can I take to enhance the security of my server and prevent potential data breaches?
    Are there specific configurations within the Trend Micro product that I should review or modify?
    I appreciate your time and assistance in helping me address this matter promptly. The security of our data is of utmost importance, and I look forward to hearing from the experienced members of this community.

    Thank you in advance!

  • have there been any recent security advancements in intel evo technology and how do they affect trend micro users

    Hello Trend Micro Community,

    I hope everyone is doing well. I've been hearing a lot about Intel Evo technology and its focus on performance and security. I'm particularly interested in understanding how recent security advancements in Intel Evo can benefit Trend Micro users.

    So, I wanted to ask if anyone here is aware of any recent security enhancements in Intel Evo technology. How do these advancements affect Trend Micro users? Are there specific features or technologies that Trend Micro has leveraged to provide better security on Intel Evo-certified devices?

    I believe it's crucial for us to stay updated on the latest developments in both Intel Evo and Trend Micro to ensure that our laptops and devices are well-protected in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

    Your insights and experiences are highly valued. Please feel free to share any information you have regarding this topic. I'm looking forward to a meaningful discussion on this important intersection of technology and cybersecurity.

    Thank you in advance for your contributions!

    Best regards,

  • intel vpro technology issue need assistance

    Hello Trend Micro Community,

    I hope you're all doing well. I'm encountering an issue related to Intel vPro technology on my system, and I was wondering if anyone here could offer some guidance or solutions. Here's the problem I'm facing:

    Issue Description:

    I have a computer with an Intel vPro processor, and I'm having trouble getting it to work seamlessly with my Trend Micro security software. It seems that there might be some compatibility issues or configurations that need to be adjusted. I'm experiencing slower performance, and sometimes, I'm unable to perform certain security scans or updates.

    System Details:

    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
    Trend Micro Security Software Version: Trend Micro Internet Security 2023
    Intel vPro Processor: Intel Core i7-10th Gen
    Other Relevant System Specs: 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
    Steps Taken So Far:

    I've updated my Trend Micro software to the latest version.
    I've ensured that my Intel vPro technology is enabled in the BIOS settings.
    I've checked for any conflicting software, but there doesn't seem to be any.
    I've scoured the web for solutions but haven't had much luck, so I'm hoping that someone here might have experienced a similar issue or can offer some advice. If you have any suggestions on how to make Trend Micro and Intel vPro work together smoothly or if you need more information to diagnose the problem, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights you can provide.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Best regards,

  • need help verifying display or video issue in windows safe mode

    Hello Trend Micro community members,

    I hope this message finds you well. I'm encountering an issue with my monitor that I believe might be related to my display or video settings, and I'm hoping some of you experienced users can offer some guidance.

    The Problem:
    My monitor sometimes exhibits strange behavior, such as flickering, color distortion, or even complete blackouts, when I'm using my computer. I suspect this might be related to my display or video settings, but I'm not entirely sure. It's frustrating, and I'd like to identify the root cause of the issue.

    My Approach:
    To troubleshoot this problem, I'm considering two approaches, and I'd appreciate your input and suggestions on these:

    Testing in Windows Safe Mode: I plan to boot my computer into Windows Safe Mode to see if the issue persists. If it doesn't, I assume that some third-party application or driver might be causing the problem. If it still occurs in Safe Mode, it could be a hardware or core Windows issue.

    Testing with Different Applications: I'll also experiment by using various applications to see if the issue is application-specific. For example, I'll try watching videos, playing games, and using different software to determine if the problem is consistent across all applications.

    My Questions:

    Have any of you encountered similar monitor issues before?
    Do you have any additional troubleshooting steps or recommendations?
    Can you suggest any specific applications or tests I should run to help diagnose the problem?
    Are there any known conflicts between Trend Micro software and display/video drivers that might be worth investigating?
    I'm open to any advice or insights you can provide to help me resolve this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

    Best regards,

  • seeking insights on trend micro compatibility with management software

    Hello Trend Micro community,

    I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently in the process of evaluating Trend Micro antivirus solutions for our organization's cybersecurity needs. We have been using management software extensively, and I'm interested in hearing from those who have experience using Trend Micro alongside management software.

    Specifically, I'm looking for insights on compatibility and any potential conflicts that may arise. It's crucial for us to ensure that our management software and antivirus solution work seamlessly together to maintain the security and efficiency of our operations.

    If you have any experience with such a setup or can provide advice on best practices, please share your thoughts. Your input will be greatly appreciated and will help us make an informed decision.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!

    Best regards,