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Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 01:53:39 GMT by reggiesimmons

Thanks but problem still exists for me. details requested:


iPhone 12 Pro


mobile data mode affected


Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 01:55:56 GMT by spatten82

Still facing the same issue after uninstalling and reinstalling the product

App version: 11.2.1070

Phone: iphone 13 pro

ios:  17.4.1

Affected network mode: Mobile Data

mobile service provider :  Woolworths (Telstra network)

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:02:40 GMT by cynconrad

After deleting & re-installing:

Still blocks internet access via WiFi on iPhone 13 Pro - Xfinity mobile service provider and iOS version 17.4.1

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:27:45 GMT by tm_prima

Hi @cynconrad @spatten82 @reggiesimmons

Thank you for following the instructions and providing the needed information. It's unfortunate the issue persists. Your input will help us figure out the problem and find a solution. We will surely provide an update once the issue was sorted out.

Thanks for your help!

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:34:32 GMT by lennys123

Still have the issue both my wife and me with iPhone 12 Pro. Please fix software.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:50:54 GMT by reggiesimmons

Perhaps it is time to roll back the version? The last version did not have this problem.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 03:16:52 GMT by lucybristow

Issue still exists 

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:35:34 GMT by franckbuissonthuillier

I have iPhone 12 Pro and I have a same problem, I have reinstall Trend and the problem persist, I have remove Trend and iPhone fonction normaly…

you have a idea ?

best regards

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:36:01 GMT by lennys123

Are you saying trend micro can’t fix this problem? My phones are affected only. Worst thing is when trading stocks internet goes down. iPads not affected. I expect it fixed and quick. Trend micro lets get moving.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:43:15 GMT by lennys123

@franckbuissonthuillier​ These days you can’t remove it. It’s to dangerous to be without it. Either they fix it quick or they lose my business. I buy the next best thing.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:14:55 GMT by tm_helen

Hi @lennys123 @franckbuissonthuillier @lucybristow @lennys123 

Please refrain from uninstalling the entire app as it provides protection. Instead, temporarily disable Web Guard while we investigate the issue. We'll keep you informed with updates as we progress.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:18:03 GMT by groffmeister74

1. 11.2.1070

2. iPhone SE 2 / iPhone 13 Pro / iPad mini 4

3. iPhone : 17.4.1.     iPad: 15.8.2

4. WiFi / Xfinity 

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20:18 GMT by groffmeister74

1. 11.2.1070

2. iPhone SE 2 / iPhone 13 Pro / iPad mini 4

3. iPhone: 17.4.1.     iPad: 15.8.2

4. WiFi. / Xfinity

trend should be crediting $ back to us for this or discount for next renewal 

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:27:16 GMT by debylan2010

Certainly has been an increase of errors with TM, & lagging in it response fixes for sure. Starting to lose my trust, which is not a good thing.

I couldn't connect to the Community page from my email and I have Android/Samsung/Google/Windows 11. Pick one from that bunch. 🤦‍♀️

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:35:04 GMT by tm_helen

Hi @groffmeister74 

Thank you for sharing this information.

Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:59:17 GMT by kerriscanlan

Followed above troubleshoot, problem still happening

  1. Mobile Security for iOS version 11.2.1070
  2. iPhone/iPad Model: iPhone 13 Mini
  3. iOS version 17.4.1
  4. Affected Network Mode: Telstra mobile data 
Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:23:58 GMT by nickjo

Problem still exists for me too 


iphone 15pro

ios version 17.4.1

mobile data


Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:29:14 GMT by nickjo

Why haven’t trend micro made an announcement on this? I had to google it to find out there was an issue. 

Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:48:27 GMT by tm_vince

Hi @kerriscanlan and @nickjo ,

Thank you for providing us these information. We are already investigating the issue and will provide an update once a fix has been made. We appreciate your patience regarding this matter.

Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:12:33 GMT by guyebromley

Two days ago my Trend Micro VPN started blocking access to all apps while on 5G/4G mobile connection. Works fine with all apps on Wi-Fi. Have been through all settings, reset some, tried different scenarios, all have failed. Trend Micro version 11.2.1070, iOS 17.4.1,iPhone 13

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