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Posted Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:30:12 GMT by tm_chard

Hi @jbarnicki 

To better understand and assist you with your concern can you please provide the following information:

Trend Micro product:

Trend Micro version:

Error message (if any):

You also mentioned that this happened after an update, for clarification was the Cove Security app working prior to the update of Trend Micro?

Posted Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:12:57 GMT by sueyoucanttouchthis

I think after all these years of paying a ridiculous amount for Trend it's time to say goodbye!!

im so sick of trend turning off or turning off parts of my defender as well as messing with my own wifi ! 
ive put up with it since the beginning of time and never spoken up hoping it was just a glitch or it would right itself! Neither has happened and I’m so sick of paying 17$ a month for something that really isn’t quality! I see so many people complaining on this forum with similar issues and it’s been ongoing since forever and literally nothing has changed so it’s time for me to change !

Posted Wed, 03 Jul 2024 20:55:58 GMT by tm_leo

Hi @sueyoucanttouchthis,

We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with our product. 

In order to enhance our understanding and effectively address your issue, could you please provide the following details:

Trend Micro product:

Trend Micro version:

Error message (if any):

Complete Description of the issue:

You can also contact us through the link below: 

Contact Support | Trend Micro Help Center

Posted Wed, 03 Jul 2024 21:05:50 GMT by sueyoucanttouchthis

I can’t even find which 1 I have atm . It’s early in the morning so I’ll try finding it later 

Posted Thu, 04 Jul 2024 04:31:00 GMT by tm_leo

Hi @sueyoucanttouchthis, 

Please provide the following information above once you have time. We will be waiting for your response so we can help you further. 

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