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Posted Thu, 19 Sep 2024 20:41:33 GMT by
For the second time during reading email, my screen locked up with a official looking notice stating my computer had been locked and to get it released to click on an icon. The screen was frozen. I unplugged my computer and waited 5 minutes and restarted. The notice was gone. A  quick scan showed nothing.  The question I have is why did this attempted hijacking get past Trend?
Posted Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:29:09 GMT by Jasmin Joyce of Trend Micro


We would like to know what you did prior to the issue. Did you click on any links or ads in the email? Additionally, what did the message or pop-up look like?

You might want to check this link to help prevent pop-up scams in the future: What is a Fake Warning: How to Spot and Avoid it | Trend Micro Help Center

Hope this helps!

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